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April Highlight: Reuben Rubio

Linda Ohmer

Why do you serve at Caring Community?

I volunteer at CCC because I strongly feel that the Lord assembles a church community, much as He does an athletic or employment team, with a diverse group of people possessing talents and abilities so that each may contribute to His work and be greater as a whole than in the sum of the parts. The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) weighs strongly in my heart on this: He gave me (us) talents with the expectation that we would use them. In all of the church work that I have been involved in during my time as a Christ-follower it has been clear to me that I am to invest my talents for His kingdom.

How long have you been serving in the church?

I have been serving the Lord in various churches and ministries since becoming a Christian in 1980, and have served Him together with my wife Kathleen at CCC since we started attending in 1996, with a short hiatus of about 40 months when we lived in Indiana (and we also served a lot in that church too).

What area(s) do you serve in, or have you served in the past?

One constant in my service at CCC has been with the worship team. In fact, you might say that along with my wife and with the blessing and support of Pastor Steve Shafe, we started the worship team with the style of praise music and instrumental blend we enjoy today. I am thankful to have worked with many amazing worshipers and friends on that team, from 1996 to today. I directed the worship team from 1996 to the mid 2000s, when I, the pastor and my wife all felt that she had developed a stronger calling for that and that my role should be to step aside for her to be the leader and support her. Since then, I have played a supporting role as musician, vocalist, and team leader on a given Sunday. I have been a lead or backing vocalist and played bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitars, conga, and even iPad/organ. I have also helped organize many worship services by picking songs, themes, or scriptures, or planning flow, etc. that the Lord spoke to us about for that day.

I have also used my teaching gift to teach in many areas (kids & youth ministry, adult Bible studies & events, & pulpit supply) and my leadership gift to organize various events and serve on the LBA, building committee, & pastoral search team.

What is something you would like to share to encourage others to volunteer?

Sometimes people think about what they get out of a church. I think a more crucial thing is to think of what we can give of ourselves to a church, and then to do it (or figure out how to do it).


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