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February Highlight: Allison Butters

Why do you serve at Caring Community?

I volunteer at CCC because I honestly want to! I want to be involved in the wonderful things my church family is doing to serve the Lord. God has given me skills and I want to use them for His glory. 

How long have you been serving at Caring Community?

I've been serving at Caring Community Church for the last 7 years, but I also served in the children's ministry as a teen.

What area(s) do you serve in, or have you served in the past?

I'm currently serving on Caring ConnectSHEns Core, as Youth Group Event Coordinator, and in the Children's Ministry. I previously served on a cleaning team, VBS, and various event planning committees.

What is something you would like to share to encourage others to volunteer?

I encourage everyone to find their spot to plug in and volunteer. God gives us specific talents and it can take some time to determine exactly where God wants to use you. Join a team- if you aren't feeling equipped or useful in the position, you can switch it up and try something else. You'll likely find you are needed and skilled in many areas.


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